
What is the difference between filtered water and bottled water?

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Is one better than the other?




  1. filtered water has been through a special filters to get rid of impurities etc with the bottled water is just ordinary plain tap water

  2. filtered water has been through some type of filtration bottled water probably has a s well but there is no guarantee

  3. none just ones in a bottel

  4. Bottled water is most likely just tap water/local ground water from a tap that has been filtered more/differently. Thus they are the same. If you mean spring water versus filtered water then they are different. And there's mineral water.

  5. these are both true but you have to look at the brand of the water. one's like aquafina and desani are pepsi? brand i think and basically that water is just from tap somwhere and filtered. i think that water has a different taste. if you look at the waterbottle and it says "spring water" then the water is straight from a spring with no impurities. i prefer spring water because just the thought of the other water being from a tap grosses me out and plus, i am paying for water i can get in my own sink :)

  6. Bottled water may also be filtered water.  It can also be purified, by filtration, reverse-osmosis, (another type of filtration), distillation, (this actually takes out any minerals and all impurities), and some bottled water is simply water in a bottle!  Spring water is bottled at "the source", meaning at the outlet of an underground spring.  Oh yes, mineral water too! (ie:Perrier, Evian,etc.)

    Water is water.

    If we were dying of thirst, would it matter which kind was in a bottle, or even in a lake?  BTW-Yuck.

    But your choice of bottled water is up to you.

    Personally, I have a distiller machine at home and use that for anything I ingest or cook with.

    I do buy bottled water of several sorts and sources.

    Keep getting enough in yourself this summer!

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