
What is the difference between goals, objectives and tactics?

by  |  earlier

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... and then strategy?




  1. A goal is something you reach for.

    An objective is the object you set a goal to reach,

    And tactics are the methods you use to achieve both.

  2. A 'Goal' is something that you intend to achieve.

    An 'Objective' is usually a step on the way to achieving a 'Goal'.

    A 'Tactic' is a way of going about accomplishing an Obejctive.

    A 'Strategy' is an overarching plan to accomplish long and short term objectives and goals through the use of tactics.

  3. ok..goals are aims,objectives are plans(or better said what will your students be able to do by the end of a lesson) and tactics means strategies used to accomplish your objectives

  4. I suppose everyone would have slightly different definitions/usages for these terms, but here's what I would think:

    Goals and objectives are almost the same. To me, objectives are more specific or direct, whereas goals are more abstract or long-term.

    Likewise, tactics and strategies are about the same. A tactic might be the specific act you would perform, whereas the strategy is kind of like the thought that comes before the action.

  5. goal - something you aim for

    objective - the plan in which to achieve your goal

    tactic - the strategy in which to deploy your objective to achieve your goal


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