
What is the difference between going to school and getting an education ? Is there a difference ?

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What is the difference between going to school and getting an education ? Is there a difference ?




  1. If you want to be philosophical then yes, there is a bid difference.  Going to school means you wake up, you go to school, you sit through your classes, see your friends, and come home and do your homework because if you don't you will fail for the most part.  Getting an education on the other hand means you go to school and you are involved in many aspects of your education.  You don't merely sit through your classes, but you actually learn and discuss and think about it after the class is over.  That's just surfing the surface if you want to start counting.  I'm sure you get the gist.

    Troublemaker :)

  2. There is a great difference. Getting an education means learning things. Going to school means being there. You can educate yourself by reading, by studying, by researching, by doing hard things and experiencing difficulties. None of that has to involve school, but school does help you to understand the learning process. It hopefully helps you to want to learn and enjoy getting an education. Going to school means doing what you have to do. You may actually get very little education there, for several reasons. The important thing is to learn to love learning. Then you will get an education--in whatever ways it comes to you-- because you'll want it.

  3. one is a verb, an the other is noun

  4. yes. going to school doesnt mean u have an education. it means u were given the oppotunity to have one, but it doesnt mean u took it.

  5. There is a very big difference between going to school and getting an education. Going to school simply just for a sake of to be said you have an education.Going to school is just a part of getting an education. But getting an education is the most important. Getting an education comes in many ways. You can get education not only in going to school rather you can get it in your daily life. Thru your experience,etc.

    It is not on How You go to school but what you have learned....

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