
What is the difference between hd 1080i and hd 1080p?

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What is the difference between hd 1080i and hd 1080p?




  1. i=interlaced, where it well refresh your screen 30 times per second. (odd rows, and then the even rows) it refreshes the rows that make up the pixels on your screen, all 1080 of them. this is what gives you the constant moving picture.

    p=progressive, where it refreshes all 1080 rows at the same time, thus working twice as fast as 1080i (so 1080p would be 60 times per second). this gives you a better picture and less pixelation in action scenes.

  2. 1080i is just number of tv.  1080p is the number of pixels the screen shows picture in.   Kinda hard to explain, but get the 1080p b/c by 2010 all shows will be shown in 1080p hd.  So best to go ahead & buy one now if you want.

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