
What is the difference between hill and a peak?

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What is the difference between hill and a peak?




  1. A hill is usually with other hills and a peak is above all others.

  2. hp u know hp.

  3. A hill is just a foundation of dirt or rocks that comes up as a round fixture and has no definant peak. A peak is just the very top of a givin place (EX: im at the Peak of perfection, AKA at the top) Plus hills can have peaks but they are hard to distinguish. A peak and a hill are not in the same category.

  4. Hi...

    Hill its like uneven surface that extends for a long stretch. It has no sharp i.e. pointed top.

    Peak as the name... it is like mountain with sharp edge when you see at a distance. It sharpens at the top.

    Hope this helps you..


  5. a hill is somthing that is no high up in the air, and a peak is somehting that is at a higher elevation in the a mountian

  6. A hill is a small mountain, where as peak is the hill's sharp top.

  7. A hill is a small mountain. The peak is the topmost (highest) part of a hill or mountain.

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