
What is the difference between internal and external social control?

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Anthropology 101




  1. internal social control refers to the lessons of socialization you have taken to heart and so you evaluate behaviors according to your personal views of right and wrong.

    External social control refers to the ability of outside agencies -- such as police -- to exert control over your behavior.

  2. Go read the chapter on Panopticism by Foucault in Discipline and Punish.  Internal social control is what happens when the prisoners change their behavior thinking they are being watched but they aren't sure and certainly aren't coerced.  External would be coercion, threats, etc.  This can be generalized to society beyond prison.  We act "properly" around other people but may be different behind closed doors.

  3. the poeple you see can understanbd anything you think, you just dont know hpow to get them to do it, becuase you dont kno wwhy you are thinkint,., or else everyone would say,., man i can almost see that thing you are looking at exactly like you are right now

  4. prison and government,..

    my fault, should have typed prison and democracy,..

    i e a e,..

    avatar of the unification,..

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