
What is the difference between knowledge and awareness?

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  1. Even a dog is aware of his world, but he has no knowledge of how things work, or why they are there.

  2. awareness is the desire to seek knowledge.



  3. knowledge is a more objective, right or wrong kind of knowing, something you don't have to experience directly to understand.

    awareness is knowing the subject through your own subjective perception.

    essentially i think its when you join the dots of knowledge together.

  4. For me awareness is information from which I can make informed choices. For example : I want to go to college to study zoology but I don't know what college offers this course so I ask someone who has this knowledge. They give me a range of choices so I now have an awareness that helps me to make an informed choice.

    I now also have that knowledge which I learnt from the information given.  

  5. Good question!

    Knowledge is the seed of awareness. You have to get the first step before the leap of faith. Awareness is very important to attain spiritual freedom. Unless you are knowledgeable of the vast knowledge in this universe and learn to use it for spiritual attainment then there you could find awareness.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  6. knowledge is like a database. It's just a list of facts.

    Awareness is the result of that information being processed properly.

  7. To me they are the same thing. To have more knowledge makes one more aware.

  8. I dont know, i am not knowledable enough but i am aware that i am not knowledgable enough.

  9. I know you asked the question. I am not aware of the intent behind it.

  10. Knowledge is the basis for awareness, and awareness is the basis for deeper understanding of the knowledge.

  11. Knowledge smells artificial.

    Awareness seems to me quite natural.

  12. Good question. I think that when we aquire knowledge, we decide what is useless and what is useful and our memory will store the useful things for us. Whereas, awareness is just knowing at that time about something, "being aware" that it is real. Our memorys dont really store awareness, as awareness is part of our senses. Knowledge gives us wisdom, awareness is a reminder/short term sensory process...

  13. Knowledge is knowing things from various sources which may be / may not be use full for the self or the others. The awareness is  the conscious development by the knowledge & experience of self & others which is very use full for the self & others for the present & in future. Self realization is required to have awareness.  

  14. Well, I "know" a lot about kids with HIV in Africa...... am I completely "aware" of their plight?  No.

  15. Knowledge is a byproduct of interaction between the subject

    and the object in the relative world,material in nature,can be stored.

    Awareness is independent of activity of the subject and object

    and does not dependent on anything for it's existence and is

    nonmaterial living substance.

  16. Oh I like this one----could go on for days!

    But- To gain this great knowledge we seek, one must first become aware. That is the hard part- then comes the melt done ( like a computer when it crashes- so will the mind- as it can not handle the sudden awareness of what it has never known to exist before ) After that- comes that stuff only a few ever find.

    good question!

  17. knowledge is thinking you know

    awareness is mindfulness of something that is a possibility


  18. Our knowledge base and life experience creates our personality and forms the soul. Our awareness, the discriminate perception of our observation of the world is focussed by the application of this knowledge contained within our minds and facilitated to form subjective opinions.

  19. Awareness is consciousness.  The experience I have now of the present is my awareness.  

    Knowledge is the things you know to be true - the beliefs which you have grounds for believing in.

    This is my understanding anyway, though "to be aware" of something *can* be equivalent to"knowing" something - eg "I was aware of that".  As very general ordinary-language words they have various shades of meaning and could be subject to a lot more analysis.

    Perhaps asking this question on here is a good way to gather raw material for such analysis, though some answers will be more theory laden than others (not necessarily a criticism of them, just that they will may be more distant from everyday usages).

  20. Awareness is the conciousness behind your thoughts and your actions...knowledge is information.

  21. Hello,

    (ANS) Knowledge = knowing-ness. True knowledge can only be acquired from the doing of something, knowledge is the knowing of something. This knowing is the fusion of the mental process i.e. mind & thinking and the direct bodily experience of something i.e. feeling it. Therefore knowledge is the bringing together of thinking & feeling into one direct process. Knowledge requires awareness though.

    **Awareness is a unique human trait or ability, its is based upon our reflexive consciousness. Reflexive consciousness is the ability of humans to be aware that they are aware i.e. self aware. This means humans are aware of their mortality they are aware they are alive, & are aware of the flow of time i.e. that there has been a past and that there is a future too. Awareness is based TOTALLY on human consciousness and especially on our evolved reflexive consciousness.

    **Awareness is the quality or basis for knowledge NOT the other way around however. There can be No! knowledge without human awareness, just as without air lungs are useless and without lungs we cannot live. Its precisely the same with awareness & knowledge.


  22. Knowledge is what you know. Knowledge is fact. It's what you learn as you become aware. You can be aware of something without knowing about it, but you cannot know something without being made aware of it first.

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