
What is the difference between left-brained and right-brained?

by Guest65443  |  earlier

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  1. Left brained people are more analytical whereas right brained people are more creative. No one is totally left-brained or totally right-brained. Just as you have a dominant hand, dominant eye, and even a dominant foot, you probably have a dominant side of the brain.

  2. One thinks in numbers while the other thinks in shapes.

  3. Left brained individuals are analytical/logical thinkers, everything is logical (black or white- no shades of difference), math and science oriented. Engineers are good examples of careers.

    Right brained individuals are creative, writers, artists, musicians.

    The best combination is to be some of both.

    Scientists are linking Autism, in some cases, to having a father that is left brained-the analytical thinker.

    Big corporations are finding it useful, to add  individuals who are creative thinkers.

  4. The left brained people are "VISUAL LEARNERS" and the right brained people are "AUDIO LEARNERS"

  5. This is some interesting stuff.  I read that the left side thinks in words and the right thinks in symbols.  The right side is quicker in thinking and takes over in emergency situations where you have to react quickly.

  6. Left brained people are most analytical and critical thinkers. They tend to rely on facts and not on "gut feelings."

    Right brained people, on the other hand, are more creative and artistic. Usually completely right-brained people have a difficulty of sorts living in a normal society because they can't process on facts alone.

    However, there are very few people who are fully left or fully right brained. usually, people are both, with a majority of their thought process on one of the two sides.

  7. Supposedly left-handed people tend to be more creative and artistic, while right-handers tend to be more rational and analytical. Since the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right half of the body's motor functions, the thought is that right-handers are dominated by the left hemisphere.

    So, left-brained people are more analytical and rational, while right-brained people are more creative and artistic. You can get a good start on further reading on Wikipedia, below.

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