
What is the difference between love and lust?

by Guest58546  |  earlier

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What is the difference between love and lust?




  1. The right person.

  2. Love is eternal,lust is temporary.

  3. Love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, where lust is a desire, usually sexual in nature (unless outside the context of a feeling towards another person)

  4. f

  5. your thoughts, actions, and motives

  6. i dont think love can be defined but lust is just basically wanting and seeking something or someone.

  7. Everyone has different opinions on this one...

    I believe that lust is when you see someone and they are physically attractive and you"want" them. With lust you feel sexually attracted to someone, which can very easily can be mistaken for love. You can be in lust and not know it until they break up with you or something and then find real love.

    Love is when you are away from someone for two minutes and you already miss them. You are loyal to them, honest and you know you don't need any other person to make you feel the way you feel when your with them. Love is feeling like you can conquer the world with that one person. I think that when you think you fell in love with someone, you will just feel like when you are in the persons arms, no harm can come to you. Because I know thats how I feel.

  8. To me there one and the same "lust"  

  9. Just the last three letters.♥

  10. Love is based on an affinity while lust is based solely on desire.

  11. Lust can be confused with love

  12. Lust: A sin meaning to want someone sexually.

    Love: To have deep seeded emotional attraction or connection to a person.


  14. Love is when you care about satisfying the other person more

    Lust is when you don't care about what the other person wants

    and only satisfy your self using him/her

  15. lust is purely sexual

    love is hard to explain as easily

  16. Love is totally UNSELFISH.

    Lust is totally SELFISH.

  17. what Roamer said

    ♥ this song

    check it out

  18. love is great

    but lust is awesome

  19. Lust is something you must have, spontaneous, while love is something lasting and that you want permanently.

  20. Lust is common, but love, true love at least, is rare. So rare, in fact, that I doubt I'll ever find it......

  21. Love = want to make love?

    Lust = Want to F*ck?

  22. Love is feeling a desire for somebody or liking someone very much and to show kindness to someone; Lust is a sexual desire and to show physical desire to have s*x with someone usually without associated feelings of love or affection.

  23. Love is knowing you have it,

    Lust is knowing you want it

    but most times can't have it.

  24. Lust is just animal desire.

    Love is undefinable but in romantic love, you hope for lust at some point or it mostly falters.

  25. Time

  26. Love = someone you would do anything for.

    Lust = someone you would do "anything" in bed for.

  27. Love is with your mind, body, and soul. Lust is just with your body :)

  28. Lust is the physical attraction to someone whereas Love is the mental experience that can accompany lust. In short when you see someone whom you find attractive and desire in a physical sense that is lust. But when you cannot seem to stop thinking about a certain person,not because of any particular feature,that is Love. Or at least I think so .... : )

  29. lust is when you want someone because of what they look like on the outside and love is when you see the person for what they are on the inside and still want to be with them.

  30. What Love Is ...

    * Love is loyal.

    * Love is wanting the best for the other person.

    * Love is compromising and working things out in a way that you both can win.

    * Love is finding common ground.

    * Love is trying to come together in a way that makes the world a better place.

    * Love is selfless.

    * Love is caring about the other person’s emotional needs and feelings.

    What Lust Is …

    * Lust is self-gratification.

    * Lust can be obsessive.

    * Lust is usually tied to sexual gratification.

    * Lust is selfish.

    * Lust doesn’t consider the other persons wants and needs.

    * Lust doesn’t care about how the other person’s day went.

    * When someone’s in lust they aren’t interested in meeting family or friends.

    * Lust is wanting something to the point that you don’t care who gets hurt.

    * Lust manipulates, destroys and controls.

    * Lust often involves raging.

    * People who lusts may think they are in love, but the fire burns out.......

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