
What is the difference between love&friendship?

by Guest64096  |  earlier

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What is the difference between love&friendship?




  1. i read it in newspaper- love is a friendship set 2 music

  2. 1)We are born for love...It is the principle of existence and its only end.

    2)There are three faithful friends 1)an old wife 2)an old dog and 3)ready money.

  3. love & friendship both can change the life

  4. love is a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

    friendship is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy. Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship.

  5. believe me, you'll know once you have found love, as their is such a difference! it's not something you can explain but it's something you feel. you have friendships with many people but you find love with just that one special person; you may think you find love with many people but you don't, there is only that one person out there for someone! and once you've found them, you'll see the difference.

  6. friendship is somthing you can describe.

    love is WAYY to hard to describe.

  7. That's way too broad a question and the answer should be obvious.

  8. love is wanting to spend all your time with one person, to feel like they are your soul mate, your life partner. Your heart beats a little faster, you tingle, it can leave you breathless, its indescribable, but its there!

    friendship is good times, relaxed get togethers, your happy to be around your friends..but you wouldnt want to live with them :P

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