
What is the difference between number 1 and number 2...?

by  |  earlier

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  1. number one is slim,number 2 has a belly

  2. there are 3 dots after 2.

  3. When i was a wee lad in my first years of school the teacher wanted everyone to raise either one finger or two when we had to go to the out house outside. It didn't take me too long to figure out that if i put up two fingers i could stay out a lot longer than if i put up one! ~ : )

  4. number one is better

  5. Put 1 and 1 together,that makes 2!

  6. Well



    This is intresting

    2 - 1 = 1

    1 + 1 = 2

    2 x 1 = 2

    2 / 1 = 1

    So therefore 1 is better...?


  7. I dunno maybe 2 is double 1 but ill star it  

  8. two is greater than one

  9. Number one is a yellow liquid and number two is a brown solid.

    I know. Eww.

    But really, 1-2=  -1.

  10. Answer 1

  11. number 2 is pregnant.

  12. one is one less than two

  13. the number one seems to be vertically straight with a lip on the top left. the number two is straight on the bottom with an almost backwards C on the top.

    hope this helps

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