
What is the difference between photosynthesis under a glass (like in a greenhouse)and photosynthesis outside?

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Just want to know how is it different for the plants in and outside ... which one is better




  1. under glass means its more concentrated sunshine and protected somewhat more from other elements. i'd say it was a better method.

  2. Tempurature differences.

    Same light though.

  3. There is no difference in the photosynthesis as such. However under glass you can control temperature and humidity and wind better than out in the open environment. Also can prevent pests from attacking the plants (some people even add CO2 to help the plants grow or add extra lighting to assist) (some people grow leafy plants in their basements in this way. Though that may be for reasons of privacy)

    But if the caretaker, mismanages the green house, then things can go wrong quickly, too hot, to dry, to wet, disease spreads easily.

    Also many plants need to be polinated by insects birds or bats, these may not be present in the greenhouse.

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