
What is the difference between pleasure and happiness?

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What is the difference between pleasure and happiness?




  1. Wes is right that pleasure is momentary pleasure.

    I would have to say that happiness is finding a meaning to life. It is finding a goal and taking the steps to accomplish it, sticking an ethics that isn't egocentric,and growing through experiencing things of value like authentic love or being in nature.  

  2. if you think about it we use the word "pleasure"  more frequently when we're thinking of others rather than ourselves (e.g. "it's a pleasure" when someone thanks you for something). And being kind to others make us feel happy in ourselves!

  3. ...pleasure momentary gratification...

    ...happiness, a lifetime of love...

  4. Pleasure only happens for a split second or moment in time,fleeting ephemeral eg. s*x,ride on a fast car,great movie.

    Happiness is the same except its more internal deeply felt as say you love your family,friends,partner,you have a good jo are satisfied with your life at the moment and see a good future

  5. Buddhists would argue that sense-pleasures are not conducive to happiness. In fact, they lead to the exact opposite: misery. The only way to true happiness (nibbana) involves eliminating the craving for sense-pleasures.

    Of course this is exactly the opposite of what the Western world encourages us to do.

  6. Pleasure is to physical/body/senses, something one actually feels, where as happiness is a state of mind. Not everything that is pleasurable can bring happiness and likewise, not all happiness brings pleasure.

  7. Pleasure is commonly conceptualized as a positive experience related to happiness.

    Happiness is generally considered to be the emotions experienced when in a state of well-being.

    I think pleasure would be more fleeting than happiness, although historically pleasure and happiness are synonymous.

  8. An Epicurean would say moderation in all things bring both small pleasures and lasting happiness.

    There are striking similarities with Buddhism

  9. pleasure tends to be a more transient feeling, however I dont think that it is limited to physical  pleasure. pleasure can be experienced simply by seeing someone happy! (whatever that means!)

  10. Same difference that is between love and s*x....

  11. Dear G, Pleasure is temporary and happiness is long lasting.

    Pleasure is related to some kind of physical or emotional activity, Happiness is is more on the upper level and does not need physical evidence to be felt.

  12. For me pleasure involves externals to be, and happiness is inherent and yet very fleeting.

  13. I think happiness is the same as pleasure, allthough it's pleasure over the long term.

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