
What is the difference between potential appraisal and performance appraisal?

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  1. Guest55873

     differencee?? potential appraisal looks potential and performance of past in performance appraisal.T

    hastall !!!!!

  2. The two have the difference with some similiarities i.e. potential appraisal is the appraisal of the hidden qualities of an employee which might be not known to employee also whereas performance appraisal is the evaluation of the employee performance. Secondly,performance appraisal is done on the basis of the work done by the employee whereas potential appraisal is done on the basis of future job he can handle.Potential appraisal is for hidden skill development and performance appraisal is for practical skill development.Potential appraisal is future oriented and performance appraisal is not.  


  3. Performance appraisal is a assessment of a person given a job whereas potential appraisal is an appraisal of his capabilities to handle higher level jobs.

    Performance Appraisal is appraised by his superiors as well is asked to self appraised himself whereas Potential Appraisal is a confidential form, not even shown to the appraisee to avoid expectation.

    Observation on the past performance are available to the performance appraiser whereas no such data is available to potential appraiser.

  4. A performance appraisal system judges the performance of an employee over a given period of time. It is an indication of how he has performed in the PAST, but may necessarily not be an indication of his performance in the future. Depending on his past performance, a person is rewarded suitable with an appropriate cash incentive or bonus.

    A potential appraisal system is done to judge the capability of the person for a future role, meaning you are trying to assess a person to see whether he has the necessary skills, aptitude, attitude and competency for an increased level of responsibility and accountability or a leadership role.  It can be enhanced with giving him specific T & D, or assigning him a mentor. You are trying to judge his FUTURE performance based on the potential appraisal.

    It is commonly mistaken that promotion is an outcome of performance appraisal. But ideally speaking promotion should be the outcome of a potential appraisal because only when a potential appraisal is done will you come to know if the person is ready for a bigger responsibility.


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