
What is the difference between primitive and non primitive data structures?

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  1.  how can we determine the files in non-primitive data structure ?



  2. A primitive data structure are those structure which directly operated upon machine instruction.

    ex: int, float, double.

    A non-primitive data structure which are not primitive data structure than called non primitive data structure.

    It can be classified into two types

    1.Linear data sturcture

    Ex: Arrays, Lists, Strings, stacks

    2. Non-primitive data structure

    Ex: Trees, graphs.

  3. why same answer is written 5 times?

  4.  A  primitive data structure are the basic data structures and are directly operated upon by the machine instructions. e.g. int,float,char etc. Non primitive data structures are derived from primitive data structures. the non primitive data structure emphasize on structuring of a group of homogeneous or heterogeneous data items.e.g. arrays,lists,files etc.

  5. A primitive data structure are the basic data structures and are directly operated upon by the machine instructions. e.g. int,float,char etc.

    Non primitive data structures are derived from primitive data structures.
    the non primitive data structure emphasize on structuring of a group of homogeneous or heterogeneous data items.e.g. arrays,lists,files etc.

  6. A primitive data structure are the basic data structures and are directly operated upon by the machine instructions. e.g. int,float,char etc.

    Non primitive data structures are derived from primitive data structures.
    the non primitive data structure emphasize on structuring of a group of homogeneous or heterogeneous data items.e.g. arrays,lists,files etc.

  7. A primitive data structure are the basic data structures and are directly operated upon by the machine instructions. e.g. int,float,char etc.

    Non primitive data structures are derived from primitive data structures.
    the non primitive data structure emphasize on structuring of a group of homogeneous or heterogeneous data items.e.g. arrays,lists,files etc.

  8. A primitive data structure is generally a basic structure that is usually built into the language, such as an integer, an array or a linked-list.

    A non-primitive data structure is built out of primitive data structures linked together in meaningful ways, such as a binary search tree, AVL Tree, Hashtable, etc.

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