
What is the difference between????????

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Sea,River,Lake,and Canal??????

Ok I know what sea is..............

but as far as river,lake,and canal,they all look the same to me.

Best answer will go to best detailed expanation.




  1. A river is a large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, lake, or other body of water and usually fed along its course by converging tributaries.

    A lake is a large inland body of fresh water or salt water.

    A canal is an artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for travel, shipping, or irrigation.

  2. Rivers flow from an ocean, inland to a lake.  Lakes are bodies of water which are land locked-surrounded by land.  Canals are man-made transportation waterways used for transporting goods.

  3. Well easy i think.

    River is flowing water. So if a water source is flowing from higher ground to sea its river. Lake is stationary water, it does not move, it can be connected to another lake or river using canal.

    Canals are connectors between sea, lake and river, it is usually smaller and man made


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