
What is the difference between "Come va?" ,"Come sta?" and "Come stai?" in Italian language?

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Also what is the difference between "Come si chiama ? " and " Come ti chiami ? "

Thanks, Grazie mille




  1. Come va- How is it going

    Come sta- How is

    Come stai- How are you

    Come si chiama- What's the name

    Come ti chiami- What is your name

  2. Come va? = How is it going?

    Come sta? = How are you? (If you're talking with someone you don't know very well, someone you have to talking to with respect, es. your superior, an old person, ...)

    or Come sta? = How is he/she/it? (If you're asking someone about a third person or animal)

    Come stai? = How are you? (When you talk with friends or people you know very well)

    Come si chiama? = What's her/his/its name? (asking about a third person)

    Come ti chiami? = What's your name? (asking to who you're talking to)

    I hope you've understood...


  3. come va is the same of come sta, but come sta is formal.

    come stai e come va are informal, used beteween friends.

    come si chiama is the same of come ti chiami but the first is formal.

    come si chima is used also for ask what is the name of something else.

    ex: come si chiama quella città? = what is the name of these city?.


  4. Come in italian will welcome ! many understand english..

    How is weather in Hong-Kong '? To day in Florence Italy (15 August) is hot  25 C° but is raining !

  5. come va = how is it going

    come sta = how are you

    come si chiama = what's your name

    (in both cases you're speakin to someone you are not on familiar terms with)

    come stai = how are you

    come ti chiami = what's your name

    (speaking to someone you're close to)

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