
What is the difference between "guru" /"guide"/ and ''teacher''?

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What is the difference between "guru" /"guide"/ and ''teacher''?




  1. Guru- Movie of Abishek bachan

    Guide- Movie of dev anand


  2. guru is a spiritual teacher.the three of these words coincide together. a teacher is there to guide (show) you along the way. A guru can teach and guide the way to your spiritual destination.

  3. You asked for the difference and not definitions. Here's the difference as I see it:

    Originally the word Guru was an Indian term for a hindu who has achieved a level of knowledge and enlightenment that qualifies him to be a teacher or guide in spiritual matters. The term has been adopted by English speakers, and its meaning was broadened beyond spiritual matters to become equivalent to the general meaning of "superior teacher" and "superior guide" as used in English. Guru's are considered authorities in specific areas of knowledge and it is a term of respect and deference that elevates the person to a status higher than an ordinary, garden-variety teacher or guide. At least that is my opinion on the "difference." Foucault might see it as I do.

    "Michel Foucault (pronounced [miʃɛl fu'ko]) (15 October 1926 – 25 June 1984) was a French philosopher, historian, critic and sociologist. He held a chair at the Collège de France, giving it the title "History of Systems of Thought," and taught at the University of California, Berkeley.

    Michel Foucault is best known for his critical studies of social institutions, most notably psychiatry, medicine, the human sciences, and the prison system, as well as for his work on the history of human sexuality. Foucault's work on power, and the relationships among power, knowledge, and discourse, has been widely discussed. In the 1960s Foucault was often associated with the structuralist movement. Foucault later distanced himself from structuralism. Sometimes described as postmodernist, Foucault always rejected the post-structuralist and postmodernist labels".

    ref: excerpt from --->

    I've focused on the difference issue by pointing out the difference in status and prestige.

  4. the way...

    ...teacher...instructs you...

  5. gfhthtg

  6. Guru--who shapes your destiny.

    Guide--guiding you in a particular dimension of life.

    Teacher--who imparts knowledge on you.

  7. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    For other uses, see Guru (disambiguation).

    A guru (Sanskrit: गुरु) is a person who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and uses it to guide others. The word comes from Sanskrit Gu, darkness, and Ru, light (prakash); literally a preceptor who shows others knowledge (light) and destroys ignorance (darkness).

    It is also used for teacher or guide in the religious or sense, and is commonly used in Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism, as well as in some new religious movements. The guru is seen in these religions as a sacred conduit for wisdom and guidance, and finding a true guru is often held to be a prerequisite for attaining self-realization.

    "Guru" also refers in Sanskrit to Brihaspati, a Hindu divine figure. In Vedic astrology, Guru or Brihaspati is believed to exert teaching influences. Indeed, in many Indian languages such as Hindi, the occidental Thursday is called either Brihaspativaar or Guruvaar (vaar meaning day of the week).

    In contemporary India and Indonesia, the word "guru" is widely used with the general meaning of "teacher", including by the pupils at school. In Western usage, the meaning of guru has been extended to cover anyone who acquires followers, though not necessarily in an established school of philosophy or religion.[citation needed] In a further Western metaphorical extension, guru is used to refer to a person who has authority because of his or her perceived secular knowledge or skills.

  8. the difference lies in ur head. Aftrall, its the wisdom thst matters ultimately.:)

  9. Guru - shows life

    Guide - shows way

    Teacher - shows homework  

  10. hmm this is just my guess cuz i really don't know but i think a guru is like someone who specializes in something, knows everything there is to know about something, you can ask them questions, and they'll for sure know the answer.

    a guide is i guess in the most simplest of definitions,  someone who knows what they're talking about and can show you the way to something or to help you get to know something.

    a teacher is someone who is very knowledgable about something, can help you to get to know something and verifies whether or not you comprehend what it is they're teaching you.

    those are just my guesses

  11. Mark Prophet is a Guru:  "The Path of the Higher Self," "The Masters and Their Retreats," and so on.

    Ann Ree Colton and Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov are Teachers:  "Watch Your Dreams," "Kundalini West," "Light Is a Living Spirit," and so on.

    David Wilcock is a guide:

  12. guru and teacher are the same

      they mean same but r in different languages

    a guide is catogory in teacher's characterr

    a guide can only guide u a way but a teacher can explain u the whole area

  13. I guess -

    Guru - is the enlightened one, the holy one

    Guide - is one who would guide you in your endeavours

    Teacher - is one who could mould you

  14. Guru is the spiritual guide who teaches his disciples to realize the Self.

    Guide is the person who guides you for a fee towards anything like a city,tour,travel etc

    Teacher who teaches any particular field of education

  15. 1st :- "guru"   olampic gold

    2nd :- "teacher"  olampic cilver.

    3rd:-  "guide"   olampic bronze.

    this i think.

  16. guru is who can help you not only by advice but also he can help you with his or her internal power..what can i say abou tthe spiritual power...

    guide means it is guide line which helps you to understand what is right or wrong....

    teacher means who can able to give you only advice but they are not able to help you through their spiritual power..if i can able to make you understand what i'm saying..then i'll be grate ful.....thanx...byebye

  17. a teacheris  who takes money

    guru who gives knowledges

    & guide who shows the way of life  

  18. A guide tells you about things.  A teacher tells you about things you need to know.

    A guru - wants to control you.

  19. Guru= Complete [main]Gyan Provider.

    Guide=is a person who shows the way to desired place.

    Teacher= Who teaches you.

    Guide cant be Guru or Teacher.

    Teacher can be your GURU & GUIDE Both

    GURU can be everything Guide & Teacher.

  20. very less difference..

    guru means our god that always gives us knowledge,blessings.

    guide means our friend that always ready to help.

    i think teacher should be mixture of guru & guide...

  21. well first of all GURU shows you the spirtiul way for mukti from this worl

    guide shows you the way in this world not out of the world

    and teacher makes u capable for that level where u find guide s and GURU

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