
What is the difference between race and species?

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I asked the question because most people here defies the legetimacy of the copncept of race.




  1. Race would be something like White, Black, Asian, Native etc.

    Species would be Human.

  2. Species are members of the same category of organisms that can reproduce viable offspring. Viable offspring would be ones that can reproduce as well. Technically horses and donkey can create offspring..(mule)...but mules are sterile so not viable therefore donkeys and horses are a different species.

    Race refers to variations of DNA within the species that are normal, and necessary for evolution and a healthy population.

  3. Race is superficial..i.e skin deep..while species are genetically different...its been proved not to exist...if u take anthropology...u would be taught more bout it

  4. Race is the taxonomic principle of grouping living things based on common heredity, physical attributes, and behavior, and where all members belong to the same species yet appear to warrant further classification.

    Species is a taxonomic concept used in biology to refer to a population of organisms that are in some important ways similar.

  5. Race had to do with outward appearance -- hair texture, skin pigment, bone structure, etc.

    Species is basic biological characteristics -- placement of eyes, functions and placement of internal organs, etc.

  6. Probably the easiest way is  to make this example.

    You being white,  would be of the Caucasian race and your Japanese  girlfriend would be of the Asian.

    You both belong to species Homo Sapien (Man) while your dog belongs to the Canine species.

    Clear as mud, but it covers the ground.

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