
What is the difference between racial profiling and racial prejudice?

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What is the difference between racial profiling and racial prejudice?




  1. Profiling is recognizing the fact that statistically, a member of a group of people is a likely culprit of an action.

    Prejudice is when you assume that since one person from a certain group does something, that most of them do it, and thus you treat the whole group as if they have already done the action, when infact you don't know whether they have or haven't.

    Very big difference, if you ask me.

  2. Racial prejudice is based on assumptions about a group that may or may not be founded in fact. [putting everyone of a race in the same group]

    Racial profiling is based on assumptions about a group that may or may not be found in fact. [putting everyone of a race in the same group]

    Sounds the same to me

  3. i dont even know what rasism is,

    is their anyting good about rase becuase that would require profilong,., acting blind too rasial problems is like believing your pscychologist

  4. Profiling: "Most criminals are black."

    Prejudice: "Most blacks are criminals."

  5. Racial Profiling is basically stereotyping a particular race for example stating that all Australians ride kangaroos everywhere and that we all talk like the late Steve Irwin which is completely untrue. Racial Prejudice is when people use their hatred for a particular race against them by making racial remarks, racial acts of violence etc. I hope this helps.

  6. Racial prejudice- prejudging an individual based on stereotypes.

    Racial profiling (as in the case of criminal justice)- using statistical facts regarding frequency of certain behaviors among various racial groups; then applying that knowledge to narrow the list of possible suspects. This same technique is used for age, s*x, religion, etc. It is all used to create a likely profile of a criminal.

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