
What is the difference between reading the news paper and watching the news media?

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  1. A newspaper is part of the news media, so I assume you asking the difference between newspapers and television news.  Since television is a visual medium, the live shot and dramatic video will often take precedent over the subject matter being covered.  This can be good or bad.  Good because it can give a sense of immediacy that newspaper can never match.  Bad because it can cause a loss of perspective and convey inaccurate information to the viewer.  If you are watching cable news you have to differentiate between regular news programs and news commentary programs.  The former just reports the news that is happening while the latter has pundits who are biased and give their opinions on events that are happening.  It is a good idea not to rely exclusively on newspapers or TV but to use both when you want to stay informed.  Many large American newspapers are struggling financially because they are losing readership to cable news and the internet.  Lets hope they don't disappear because they play an important role in a free society like ours.

  2. at least a day.

  3. Communication in prints in words.

    Communication in electronic medias in pictures.

    Will not have complete pictures.

    Without the third eye.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  4. Newspapers have more in-depth coverage than TV even though the stories are at least half a day old. I find that I'm getting more of my news online since you get the best of both worlds that way. More of the big daily papers have more online readers than in print now and I think that will continue. It costs much less than printing and distributing papers and news can be updated at the press of a button.

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