
What is the difference between rugby and australian rules football?

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What is the difference between rugby and australian rules football?




  1. Throwing is against the rules in Australian football, and a goal can only be scored by kicking a ball through the goalposts. The rules of the game can be found at the Australian Football League website:

  2. australian rules was ivented back in the 1850s in melbourne and was thought up by irish settles to australia its a form of galic football the big differances are aussie rules dont throw dont have scrums and bounce the ball when travelling forward kick a lot more and handpass

  3. Rugby league or rugby union?

    They are totally different games, just like American football and Soccer are totally different.  

    In both rugby games: the ball is larger, the goal posts are shaped like a big H, the field is rectangular and smaller than Australian rules.  Scoring is made by making tries and goals.

    In Aussie Rules: the ball is smaller, there are four goal posts something like this: i I I i (the outer two posts are shorter), the ground is oval shaped and larger than for Rugby.  Scoring is made by making behinds and goals.

    That's just the beginning.....

  4. It really doesn't matter cause they both suck! Although a really good union international can be ok. Aussie rules however is an absolute joke of a game.

    League and soccer are the only two codes worth watching.

  5. Well... rugby you have to put the pull on a white line like American footy but. Australian Football League also known as A.F.L you must kick it through the goals not on a line. in rugby there is more tackling and less kicking and the opposite in afl.

  6. You don't need a Virgina t play AFL

  7. About the only thing the same is that they use a similar shaped ball!!

    Come to Oz, grab a beer and a pie and watch a few games.

    Hope to see you here!

  8. I'm sure you can find a website with the rules of Australian Rules Football, Rugby League and Rugby Union, so I will explain some of the cultural differences between the sports briefly.

    First of all, Rugby Union and League are similar enough that professional players from each code often switch for better contracts (more money). Rugby League players often move to Union and visa versa. However, both sports attract different audiences. Rugby Union (in Australia) is traditionally played (and followed) by private school alumni or upper class people. Rugby League is more the working class game. Both games were imported from England.

    Australian Rules football was first developed in the park-lands of Melbourne. It was originally played by cricketers as a way of keeping fit during the winter (cricket's off-season). The game quickly spread throughout the country and clubs formed in South Australia and Western Australia in the late 1800s. The game became extremely popular all over Australia except in Queensland and all but southern parts of New South Wales. Today, Australian Rules is the most popular sport in Australia and the top professional league, the Australian Football League averages attendances of over 30,000 a game (more than double that of Rugby League's top league, the NRL).

    Rugby (Union and League) still remains the most popular sport in Sydney and Brisbane.

  9. Hopefully an aussie will give you a better answer.  In short, the goal of AFL is to kick the ball between uprights.  In rugby, you can kick the ball between the uprights, but that is like a field goal in american football.  What you want is a try, which is more like a touchdown--you get the same three points, but get a bonus kick for another two points.  A try is when you touch the ball in your own end zone.  

    You'll need to find a website or book on both if you want to be able to understand the game.  I rented a rugby video game with some friends, and it became clear quickly that we knew so little about rugby we couldn't play it.  So I hope someone who follows both games posts an answer for you.

  10. an overview of australian football...Australian football could refer to 3 things, AFL , rugby league and rugby union. AFL is an exclusively australian sport played on an oval field continuously for approx 100 minutes broken in to quaters. players mainly kick a ball similar to that in gridiron (but much softer and rounder) to one another, or they can handball to each other... ultimateltry trying to kick the ball through 3 scoring zones, one being worth 6 points and the other two only 1 point. also when a player kicks the ball to another player, thats called a mark and he is free from being tackled until he moves off the spot or kicks it again. This is one of the most physically demanding sports in the word where only a player of the highest fitness can compete in. Rugby league and union are very similar. Union was the original sport played all over the world and involves 15 (13 in league) players passing a ball backwards to each other doing a series of plays in a bid to break the oppositions straight defensive lines to score a try (done by placing the ball on the ground in the in-goal area). a player then attempts to convert a try, similar to that of an extra point in nfl, but the positioning of the kick is relative to where the try was scored. Now the big difference between league and union is that union is a much slower, gradual chipping away at the opposition containing very little excitement where a game also containg very little tries (just mainly penalty points). Rugby league is much more free flowing where attacking is mainly improvisation of a very general bunch of set plays. it has bigger and more exciting plays, bigger hits (can u believe union actually has rules preventing you from smashing the opposition) and generally kmore exciting gameplay and is a sport prodominately played in austrlia. Union was originally a high society tutti fruity sport that is boringly slow, and league is the faster modern day appropriation (bet u can guess which one i support). However if i was to draw a main differnce between the nfl and all of the australian footballs, its that in the nfl u have players who specifically prepare to do a specific job (eg teaching your QB to thow and not your linemen) and in australian footballs, while u do train players for specific jobs, they need to be more of a jack of all trades that can fit into a number of position

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