
What is the difference between rugby and football?

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What is the difference between rugby and football?




  1. i guess u should read the other answers cuz idk

  2. as moo the conquer says football it"s the biggest"s also known as the most overrated game in the is known as the greatest game is fast and is dull and is watched by supporters who stand side by side with their opposite number and enjoy the is watched by supporters with a long line of police or stewards between them and their opposite rugby there"s always a football.....if you manage to stay awake and someone scores it"s like winning the lottery.....

  3. Not only the fact that Rugby is better.

    It is also a sport that real men play!

    Football is played controling the ball with feet only, rugby you can use hands, feet or a combrination.

    Football the aim is to kick the ball through the net which is guarded by a 'goaly' (a person who is trying to stop the ball going in and is on the oppostite team).

    Rugy the aim is to either score a try, or kick it through the high posts at either end of the field. Kicking the ball scores more points but if the team scored a try ( which is where the ball is placed by hand over the try line) they automatically get a free kick at the posts.

    This is what players like Johnny Wilkinson are famous for, kicking.

    Of course most rugby players play football too as it requires tremendous amount of control but overall football is a girly sport, and i will happily argue anyone who disaggrees down.

    x ;D

  4. They are two extremely different games.  You'd be better off asking what is similar between rugby and football.

  5. Rugby is sweet as  and outrageously exciting . Footbore is outrageously boring. ho,ho,ho,ho,ho!!!!

  6. rugby is the bomb, football sucks *** compared to rugby. RUGBY RUGBY RUGBY now please don't ever ask such a silly question!

  7. 2 different sports, with alot of similarities...

  8. same to difference as in cricket and baseball.

  9. I like rugby

  10. Football is the biggest game in the world.  The World Cup is huge.

    Rugby is my favourite game, which also has a world cup.  Not as big as football's world cup.

    Favourite football team - Liverpool

    Favourite Rugby team - ACT Brumbies

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