
What is the difference between satellite and a rocket?

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What is the difference between satellite and a rocket?




  1. A satellite is a space probe that is unmanned (a robot) that orbits a planet. a Rocket is a Vachel that uses fuel and blasts through the earth's atmosphere

  2. rocket is used to launch satellites..........

  3. satellite circles, rocket goes up then down.

  4. If we are talking about both man made, then;

    1. One is a carrier and another has is carried by the first one.

    2. Satellite circles in an orbit. Rocket Launches a satellite into an orbit.

    3. Rocket moves forward with the help of fuel. Satellite moves in circles around a mother planet for scientific purposes.

    4. Satellite has longer life and Rockets usually are used only for once; because it gets burned in the space.

    I think your question could have been more appropriate if difference between rocket and Jet is sought........

  5. Satellite is another term for moon. There is NO person/s in it. It just stays on the universe.

    Rocket. There IS/ARE person/s in it.


  6. A satellite is a body in orbit around another body.  It can be man made (such as ISS - the International Space Station) or simply a big chunk of mother nature (such as the moon).   All of the planets and all of their moons are satellites around the Sun, and arguably the Sun is a satellite around the center of the Milky-way galaxy.  The first artificial satellite was Sputnik, launched by the Soviet Union in the 1950s.

    Perhaps the most famous people associated with satellites are Kepler, Newton and Arthur C. Clarke.

    A rocket is a device that moves forward by propelling gas in the other direction.  There are a few creatures that propel themselves by spewing liquid or gas out one end ("rocket-like"), but generally we reserve the concept for man-made long metal tubes with exposive gas being emitted out the bottom and a cone on the top.  The first non-experimental rockets were launched by the Germans at the British during World War II.

    The most famous people associated with rockets are Robert Godard and Verner Von Braun.

    Rockets can become satellites by propelling themselves into orbit.  Both types of objects have had men and women aboard them.

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