
What is the difference between sleeping and taking a nap?

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What is the difference between sleeping and taking a nap?




  1. taking a nap is usually done during the day where you get to sleep, relax in less than an hour while sleeping is the state of not being awake, a state of partial or full unconsciousness in people and animals, during which voluntary functions are suspended and the body rests and restores itself, or a period spent in this state

  2. nothing really! just naps don't take as long as sleeping. Like if i were to take a nap it would take 2 hours but when we sleep it's more like 8 hours. Same thing just different amount of time periods!

  3. nothing just the period of time you stay sleeping.

    for me a nap ,is  just a rest aka sleeping for around 2hours.

  4. Naps are usually too short in duration to allow you to enter into REM (Rapid Eye Movement) where most people dream. This normally takes place about 2 hours into sleep (so it depends on how long your naps might be). The average amount of sleep required for healthy functioning in 8 hours a day.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  5. With sleep you should enter the vey rested state of REM (rapid eye movement).  This is necessary to maintain your sanity.  

    A nap rarely gives you the time necessary to enter this state.

  6. Sleep is the state of natural rest observed in humans and throughout the animal kingdom, in all mammals and birds, and in many reptiles, amphibians, and fish.its usually 8 hours.

    In humans, other mammals, and many other animals that have been studied - such as fish, birds, mice, ants, and fruit-flies - regular sleep is necessary for survival. The capability for arousal from sleep is a protective mechanism and also necessary for health and survival.

    otherwise, a nap is a short sleep.usually 1 hours or 30 minutes.its very useful for human. People who regularly take  naps usually have a good idea of what duration works best for them.

  7. Taking a nap is when you don't get to complete a REM sleep cycle and there are no delta waves.

    Sleeping is a delta wave conducing system that helps your body to regenerate.

  8. sleep is when you rest for a long period of time and nap is when you rest for a short period of time

  9. Sleeping is kinda of more taking a rest.

    Napping is expanding your mind for best thinking.  It is healthier when you are doing that.  Nothing wrong about taking a nap!!

  10. sleeping is when its 4 hours a nap is between 30 minutes 2 2 hours

  11. A nap is a type of sleeping, sleeping for a short amount of time. It usually refers to sleeping during the day or an odd time.

    Nap :"sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed) "

  12. Duration.

    You know, I really hate it when somebody answers a straight forward question such as yours with a drawn out explanation, instead of a simple and succinct answer as I have just done. There is no need to go into any further detail such as time of day, deep REM type sleep etc. I think most of the people who do like to post such long and convoluted answers, particularly those that like to express themselves in grandiose terms and try to affect an air of eloquence are merely pretentious.

  13. well you are sleeping when taking a nap, but when you sleep its for a long period of time, a nap is for a shorter time.

  14. A nap is a short sleep and can be taken while sitting in an armchair or travelling in a bus etc. If done properly, it is very refreshing (called power naps) and can compensate to a large extent sleep deprivation.

    A nap lasts only a few minutes unlike a sleep which lasts for a few hours.

  15. nap?just lying down but still half awake!sleeping is really not awake!

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