
What is the difference between snookers and billiards ??

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Anindya Mallick

BIT, Kolkata

4th year,CSE




  1. For snooker rules and an illustration of the table, click the link below.  Snooker isn't played very much in the US, but it's very popular in the UK.  They use a different table and different balls.


  2. OK a diffrent light- Snookers is a term for a safe shot in the game of snooker

    A billiard is a term for scoring in the game of Carom-Billiards

    But like every one else they are cue sports ,With very diffrent rules and equipment

    Its a cue sport like the Soap Box Derby & The Daytona 500 are both races- just a few differences

  3. Snooker:

    International or "English" snooker is the most widely played form of snooker around the world. It is generally played on 6'x12' English billiard tables, with cushions that are more narrow than on pocket billiard tables and which curve smoothly into the pocket openings. 5 x 10 and snooker tables of even smaller playing dimensions may be used for the game. On a 6 x 12 snooker (English billiard) table the playing area within the cushion faces shall measure 11' 8.5" x 5' 10" with a tolerance on both dimensions of +/-0.5". The height of the table is measured from the floor to the top of the cushion rail, and the height shall measure 34" with an allowable variance of +/-0.5".


    They have a general set of rules with variations pertaining to each specific game..8 ball, 9 ball, etc.

  4. Snooker is played on a bigger table with smaller pockets, combared to billards.

  5. snooker is played on a bigger table and billiards doesnt have as much colours as snooker

  6. Billiards is a term used in reference to all sports played on a table using a cue stick and balls, or "cue sports".  Under the heading of "billiards" are games like snooker, pocket billiards (pool) and carom games (pocketless tables).  Today, many people use the term "billiards" to refer exclusively to carom games even though the term is much more inclusive than that.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

    P.S. Johnny makes a good point here.  If these terms are used differently, they take on different meanings.  A "billiard" is a shot in which either the cue ball or an object ball caroms or kisses off of another ball.  Oddly enough, a billiard is also called a kiss, carom, or cannon.  To "snooker" someone means to block the cue ball from hitting a legal object ball directly without having to jump, masse', or kick at the object ball.  Good point, Johnny.

  7. Billiard:  game played on a rectangular cloth-covered table with raised cushioned edges, in which a cue is used to hit three small, hard balls against one another or the side cushions of the table.

    Snooker: To lead (another) into a situation in which all possible choices are undesirable; trap.

    To leave one's opponent in the game of snooker unable to take a direct shot without striking a ball out of the required order.

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