
What is the difference between spring,low,neap and high tides????

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What is the difference between spring,low,neap and high tides????




  1. Spring tide occurs when the sun ,the earth and the moon are in a line(full moon and new moon).In this condition the tidal force due to sun reinforces that of the moon.Hence the tidal range(the difference in height between the high and low tides)is maximum.

    Neap tide occurs when the sun and the moon are separated by 90 degrees when viewed from the earth.(first and the third quarter).In this position the forces due to the sun partially cancels that of the moon and the tidal range is minimum.

    If the height of the tide is more,it is called high tide and if it is less then it is called low tide.

  2. spring tide = when the sun, moon, and earths combinded gravity pulls alot of water to one side, like it'll be really low tide at the poles, but at whatever countries are at the side, itll be a really high tide.

    low tide= when the tide is, you know... low.

    neap tide= when the earth, sun, and moon, make a right angle, like angle ABC and earth is B (the middle) so the tides are relatively even.

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