
What is the difference between sucidal ideation & being suicidal

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Are ideas of it bad of they are not acted on? Is the next step wanting to act on the ideas? When people have thoughts like these how do they deal with them? You wouldnt ring your hospital if you were thinking about it but not planning on doing it so what can you do with the thoughts and feelings of sucide?




  1. First of all, ideas of "it" aren't bad as such. Because that is what makes us human. We potentially can choose and choosing to live is much more enjoyable then just being alive. So the realization that one could end ones life at any minute makes life itself more precious.

    The question here is, what makes one think of suizide?  That "what" needs to be adressed - not by doctors in a clinic but maybe by good friends (if they are really good friends and very stable in themselves) or by a psychologist, because those people are paid money to really listen and find a solution - which takes (at least in my thinking) the bashfullness out of the equation.

    Think about it... And no, you are not sick.

  2. It depends on how the thoughts are manifesting themselves..most people have  fleeting thoughts on occasion.Certainly any thoughts of it are not good..and at times like this it would be good to talk to someone. If they would have a crisis hot line(most communities do) they should call them.

    Most experts say that if someone can give a detailed description of how they would do it--that is a totally serious threat. One thing you need to go by is body language ,how they are saying things etc. HOWEVER if there is any question about it the hospital should definitely be called--they would be the best to determine a person's state of mind. It would be better calling then not calling!! It should never be taken lightly.

  3. Suicidal ideation is the act of thinking about suicide as an option for solving your problems.  You are literally having "ideas" about suicide.  Being suicidal is actively planning and executing whatever activity will cause your death.  Thoughts, in and of themselves, are not dangerous.  It is acting on the them that causes the problem.

    The hospital might be appropriate for anyone who:

    Has a plan to commit suicide & is acting on it

    Prepares for death, i.e. giving away treasured items or disconnecting/canceling services for no good reason

    Gathering items needed to commit the act, i.e. pills, gun, etc.

    Has been suicidal or attempted suicide before

    Suicidal ideation is different with different people.  For some, allowing yourself to think these thoughts might bring you some relief.  However, some become obsessive in their thinking, and it makes matters worse.

    I have personally found 1-800-SUICIDE to be a great resource in the middle of the night or when in crisis.

    Regardless, you should talk to someone about this, get help if you need it.  Talking it out usually helps me, but you have to find what helps you.  If you want to e-mail me, I will be on for a little while longer.  Either way, take care.

  4. Suicidal ideation is thinking about killing yourself, without actively making any plan to do so. Being suicidal is wanting to kill yourself and thinking of ways to do it, or actually planning or attempting it.

    I don't think any one is less serious than the other. If anyone is having thoughts of suicide, regardless of it they have a plan or not, they need to see a doctor immediately. Suicidal ideation can easily lead to actually WANTING to end your life, so getting help is essential.  

  5. If you're havng these thoughts and feelings, I'd suggest talking to a counselor or doctor about it.

  6. The Lord tells us that we wrestle against the evil of the day in our minds. See the devil can put the evil thought in your mind but he can not make you do it. You have a will. I would suggest that you read the word of God which is the Bible and start in the chapter of John. Fill your mind with good, pure and lovely thoughts. Stay away from watching evil things on TV or movies. The Lord tells us in Romans 12:2 Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the  renewing of  your mind. God bless you.

  7. being suicidal is the Lords invitation to his party and you don't want to disappoint so answer the RSVP early, just in a way where we dont have to clean up.  

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