
What is the difference between the Nikon D60 and the Nikon D80? Is the price difference worth it?

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Any info you could provide me with would be awesome! I'm buying my first SLR Camera, and have read that the D60 is a great one for beginners. But i've been looking and I can't really tell the difference between the D60 and the D80 , except for the price range. Which would you recommend?




  1. i want to know the same thing!

  2. Here they are side by side:

    Detailed reviews for both are also linked from the page above

    Is it worth it? You decide.

    D60 is a high level consumer camera

    D80 is more of a low level pro camera.

    D60 is newer - comes with newer technology, but has fewer bells and whistles.

    D80 is older - but is a higher level camera.

    I bought my D80 (albeit before D60 came out, so I was measuring it up against D40) because it has a few extra buttons saving me trips to menu for things like changing ISO, also DOF preview (don't remember if D60 has it,  I know D40 doesn't).

    But one of the big things for me - over years I've been used to having a small LCD screen on top of the camera that shows all the settings, and D80 has that, but not D60...

    Also if you have a good collection of older Nikon lenses that are not AF-S (or AF-I), D60 won't be able to autofocus those, as it does not have the focusing motor, relying on one inside the lens. Could be an issue for some, but non-issue for most, because pretty much all new lenses are AF-S.

    D80 is heavier, D60 is lighter. Some people find it more convenient to haul a lighter cameras with them on hiking vacations. After all your main purpose of a trip is to hike, and secondary is to take great photographs. If it's the other way around, then you may throw the weight away as a non-factor.

    BUT... here's the most important part:

    Image quality, sensor quality, and basically results wise - I don't think you'll see the difference. All the differences are in the convenience features. So if you can live without a few extra bells and whistles listed above, and a few more I forgot to mention - you should be good with D60.

    Remember - when you're buying a dSLR - what your real long term investment would be: Lenses. Because the camera bodies, they become obsolete in a few years with the way the technology advances. But a good piece of glass will last you for years, moving from one body to another and another and another. So you should consider buying a cheaper D60, but investing more money into good glass!

    But if you think the little conveniences are worth it, then D80 is a better camera for you. If it's your first dSLR - even D40 may do the trick. Don't be fooled by lower megapixels. They are not as important as you may think. Read here:

    Good luck with your choice!


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