
What is the difference between the astral plane and the after life?

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John W: I have been into the astral plane and it is very real, it looks and feels the same as the physical world.




  1. What most people think of as the afterlife is just a tiny fraction of the astral.  In this list:

    Heaven, Nirvana, h**l and all the other mainstream religious destinations all squash together as just a single subsection of the Belief System Territories (specifically, "Focus 25").  The astral is HUGE.

  2. The question is a bit like "What's the difference between Zarquon and Zorquon?" Both are made up so the answer can be anything, really.

  3. Hahahaaa!

    Got to love christians who claim a new plane of existence is ridiculous nonsense, but a blissful cloud world and fiery hole are obviously real!! What a tool!

  4. The astral plane is a load of new age baloney.  It's not real.  Heaven and h**l however and an after life spent in one or the other is very real.

  5. Nothing; they're both a load of bull.

  6. "John W: I have been into the astral plane and it is very real, it looks and feels the same as the physical world."

    I love this part.

    Hey, hon, I've got this bridge for sale.

  7. You really should lay off that ketamine you know

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