
What is the difference between the currency of Britain and the currency of scotland or Irland?

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What is the difference between the currency of Britain and the currency of scotland or Irland?




  1. Scotland is in Britain along with England and Wales, and our currency is the Pound Sterling. throughout the Whole Isand

    Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom along with Britain and also uses the Pound Sterling

    The Republic of Ireland which is independent from the UK uses the Euro

  2. To add to Seb's answer

    Scotland issues it's own banknotes. They have the same value as the English ones but are not legal tender in the England (Strictly speaking there not legal tender in Scotland, they have the status of Promissory Notes).

    Scottish notes may be refused in England. If you have any they can be swapped at a bank without charge.

    Ian M

  3. Scotland and Ireland can have money without the queens head on i think

  4. no real difference unless you go to the republic of ireland,which uses the euro.scotland and england,which form part of the uk use the pound(sterling)useful tip though,,,when exchanging the pound in europe,,,,you become slighlty more if its a scottish note,,,,,dont ask why,,,i have no idea,,,but its worth that little bit more.

  5. ...and on top of Ian M's answer...Northern Ireland banks also issue their own notes. Bank of Ireland, First Trust, Northern Bank and Ulster Bank - all of which are accepted in Scotland and Isle of Man.

    All Scottish and Isle of Man notes are accepted in NI.

    Ulster Bank recently issued their new £5 note with an image of George Best on it.

    I should also add that Ireland is an island with two countries on it - the Republic of Ireland (which uses the euro) and Northern Ireland (which uses sterling and euro).

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