
What is the difference between the democrat and republic parties?

by Guest55975  |  earlier

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I understand that some people have strong feelings for or against one or the other but please keep your bias opinion out of your answer. I want the straight answer and not name calling, please.




  1. Dems = Pro-choice, higher taxes, more governmental handouts, bigger government to help the people.

    Reps = Pro-life, lower taxes, with lower taxes not need big governmental handouts, smaller government, people and churches should help each other out. government gets in the way and runs over people trying to help people out.

  2. democrats= clinton prosperity

    republicans=bush legacy

  3. Democrats: Tax and spend

    Republicans: Deficit spending

    Democrats: Welfare

    Republicans: Warfare

  4. Democrats are more liberal. They pay more attention on individuals, citizens.

    Republicans are more moderate. They pay more attention on the country.

    I am myself a liberal democrat.

  5. Democrats are mostly against the war, support fair taxes, the middle class, and protecting the environment.

    Republics are mostly in favor of the war, support big tax breaks for the wealthy and big corporations, and are willing to sacrifice the environment for the benefit of big business.

  6. Republicans want less gov't, Dems want more gov't.

    Democrats believe that the rich control things and oppress the poor and we should pay our fair share to help the "less fortunate"

    Republicans believe that if you earn money you should keep it. And they also believe in a certain form of social order, not social anarchy which is basically socialism.

  7. Republian: Smaller Government  

    Democrats: Bigger Government  

  8. Democrats in congress go on vacation while while the country starves for gas while the republicans stayed and kept working.

  9. In short:

    Republicans want give power to big corporations (a la Cheney<--> Haliburton)

    Democrats to the people.

  10. There is a difference between what they are suppose to stand for and what they do stand for.

    Republicans are suppose to want less government interference. However, somehow Republicans want to define what marriage is, which directly interferes with a lot of people.

    Democrats want a larger federal government. However Democrats were the ones that lifted a lot of regulations on businesses.

    Republicans want to lower taxes on the rich and raise them on the poor.

    Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and lower them on the poor.

    Republicans are currently socially conservative (however historically they were radically liberal)

    In all honesty there is only one historic difference which has been blurred, but it is all about the size of government, a la, larger federal government vs. smaller federal government. But it seems that both parties now want more control in the federal government's hands.

  11. ones blue and one is red...

    one starts with a D the other R

    um.....thats all i can think of.....


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