
What is the difference between the house and senate process in making a bill?

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What is the difference between the house and senate process in making a bill?




  1. they are almost the same, except in the House, they have a committee called Full House and in the Senate, they have a committee called Full Senate. i think thats basically the only difference, and even places to put earmarks or porkbarrell are the same.

  2. money

  3. The process is almost identical.  A bill is written, then proposed for a vote, and a vote taken.  Since the Senators serve for longer periods, they are supposed to be the more deliberative body.  THey are supposed to be less likely to be inflamed by a "current" issue that is appearing in the newspaper.  The Representative is more concerned because she will be up for re-election in less than 2 years.

  4. The process is the same overall.  However, the House has much stricter rules on who gets to speak on the bill and for how long.  Also, the House has the Rules Committee that must issue a resolution as to how the debate will proceed for each bill.  

    In the Senate, there is a negotiated unanimous consent agreement.  In general, the House restricts the amount of debate and types of amendments; this is all spelled out in detail in the resolution issued by the Rules Committee.  

    In the Senate, unless limitations on debate and the nature of amendments are restricted by the unanimous consent agreement, the principle of unlimited debate applies wherein each senator may speak for an unlimited amount of time.  .

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