
What is the difference between the natural, cultural, and geometric boundary?

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What is the difference between the natural, cultural, and geometric boundary?




  1. A natual boundary would be a mountain range/ridge, a lake, a river, an ocean. An example would be Rio Grande between the USA and Mexico.

    A geometric boundary would be a straight line, circle, arc or other artificial geometric feature.  An example would be the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland (and also between Maryland and what became Delaware), which is called the Mason-Dixon Line. It is a straight line, drawn by two surveyors, Mason and Dixon, in the mid 1700s

    The Pennsylvania-Delaware border is mostly an arc, called the 12 mile arc, because it is an arc based on the New Castle Courthouse, and has a radius of 12 miles.

    A cultural boundary would be one that is the most changeable, and probably most evident in a large city like New York or San Francisco or other such places.

    There are "neighborhoods" based on culture, like Chinatown, Little Italy, etc. The boundaries would be where you go from one "culture based" area to another.

    The link below tells a little about NY's Chinatown, and tells what its boundary streets are.

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