
What is the difference between the trade and commerece.?

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What is the difference between the trade and commerece.?




  1. Trade involves mainly buying and selling. commerce has wider applications. It involves financial transactions as in banks as well as trading.

  2. Trade is good honest work the other is legalised robbery

  3. Hi!! trade is simply buying and selling on a small or large setting. It can have a big influence on how we live as one can see in your local shops as against the big supermarkets.

    Commerce has a very much wider aspect in the world economy. It operated through the smaller to the larger, and world banking systems. The recent US down turn in sub prime mortgages can tell you how much influence commerce can have on the pound in our pockets.

    Currancy fluctuations can also have a big impact upon various other currancies around the world, making imports or exports cheaper or dearer in trading.  

    There are many more examples but i am sure this is enough to answer you very interesting Q.

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