
What is the difference between the weather was cold and the weather has been cold?

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What is the difference between the weather was cold and the weather has been cold?




  1. was - past tense.  no longer cold

    has been - still is cold.

  2. The difference in the two sentences is in their tenses.

    The weather was cold is simple past tense indicating the it happened sometime in the past.

    The weather has been cold is past present tense,indicating it happened in the past and is still happening,at present..showing is it continuous.

    Hope that helps!

  3. was is past tense

    has been is -- present perfect tense

  4. the weather was cold is said for the day/time past away & the weather has been cold is said for a period of time it was.

  5. WAS COLD IS PAST TENSE IN GRAMMER AND has been cold is present continous tense

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