
What is the difference between track and time and track warrant in terms of railroads.?

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What is the difference between track and time and track warrant in terms of railroads.?




  1. A track warrant is granted between 2 points to give you authority to occupy the track.It's usually used in non signalled territory.We have one section of it where i work in the middle of the CTC.It's signalled but the CTC isn't in effect there so they use track warrants. It tells you which direction,when you can go,where you need to clear the main line,etc.Track and time is issued in CTC to work trains,locals,and maintience of way crews.It gives you authourity to work between 2 points and go in either direction without having to talk to the train dispatcher.The track between those 2 points is all yours unless the dispatcher issues the track and time as joint time.

  2. Here's a decent primer on how the railroad works:

  3. You have some excellent responses.

    A Track Warrant gives your train legal authority to occupy the main.  And there are two kinds : a Proceed and a Work Between:  A proceed gives you permission to go from a specific mile post location to a specific mile post location on a specific track.   It only allows one direction of travel and rolls up behind you.  If you MUST make a reverse movement, you have to contact the dispatcher and get permission.

    I like the Work Betweens. It would say for example  " work between MP 88.5 to MP 117.10 on  MAIN track" and you can go back and forth as often as you like.

    You are occupying this track and won't need to worry about other trains on your subdivision.

    Ours have 22 check boxes and cover other things suck as Bullitens in effect, Other Specific conditions, Hold the main Track at last named point,  Joint authority with other trains,

    A Track Warrant is isused by a dispatcher over radio

    and can be copied by any of the train crew.

  4. I'll just add one thing to the answer above.  When operating within your track and time limits, it is permissible to pass signals displaying a "stop and proceed" indication (a red aspect displayed by an Automatic Block Signal, often referred to as an "intermediate signal") without stopping, unless it is a "P" signal which is wired in conjunction with a protective device of some sort, such as a slide fence or high water detector, for example.

  5. Hey Chris.  Track warrants are the Authority for a train to Occupy the main line within TWC or CTWC but also within CTC limits when the signal system has been disabled for a length of time(this rarely happens and is usually only during a disaster).  

    Track and Time is used by MOW to work on or Inspect the main line within CTC limits.  Trains can also operate under TNT but they are required to run restricted speed and coordinate there moves with all forman that have time within the same limits.  When issuing TNT within CTC you give a foreman from point A to point B and an until time.  After it is OK'ed the foreman is in control of that length of track.  You (as the dispatcher) are not allowed to to line trains into their track, throw switches, etc.  Essentially you are giving that track to the foreman and he is in control of it until he releases his time.

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