
What is the difference between weather and atmosphere?

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What is the difference between weather and atmosphere?




  1. atmosphere is the air surrounding the earth. weather is the state of the atmosphere, eg. temp, air pressure, wind, ect.

  2. You cannot compare both;they are different things.Whether is a phenomenon and the atmosphere is the presence of matter in gaseous form.In other words,atmosphere is a gaseous envelope which is held to the earth by gravity.

    Lower layer of atmosphere is responsible for the occurance of many weather phenomena;to be more precise,weather is the changing condition of atmosphere.If you consider your body as atmosphere,then weather can be considered as the fever you get.

  3. atmosphere is the air surrounding us.. consists of gasses.. dominant by Nitrogen and Oxygen and other few gasses..

    atmospehere is just like a blanket..

    atmosphere consists of 5 layers depends on temperature changes that is:

    1.troposphere, 0 — 20 km above sea level temperature decrease according to height increament (15°C — -70°C)

    2. stratospher, 20 — 50 km above sea level (Ozone is found in this layer).. temperature changes is -70°C — 0°C, according to the increasing of height.

    3. mesosphere, 50 — 100 km above sea level, temperature changes is 0°C unti  -90°C, this is tha layer that can ruin the meteor.

    4. Thermosfer 100 — 300 km, temperature changes is vary depends on solar activity.

    Weather is process or state of atmosphere.. so it describe many physical and mechanical process in atmosphere.. such us.. cloud formation, rain, etc..

    study about weather and atmosphere is well known as meteorology.

    OK.. hope this helps.

  4. Weather is  how cold it is or hot it is.Atmosphere is your surrounding(water,trees,mountains)basica... what it looks like.

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