
What is the difference between when he does it ?

by  |  earlier

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Please. Only serious answer.

If I say anything to him while he is talking on the phone -- he gets mad.

Ok .. so I practice patience, manners, etc.

But !! .. when I am talking on the telephone - he will walk right up to talk to me while I am talking (even tending to business on the phone) .. then he will get mad because I can't stop to talk to him right then.

What do you think is up with him ?




  1. I agree with designed and the cue card idea.

    You should not have to put up with this bull s**t.  Next time you are on the phone and he pulls this on you lock yourself in the bathroom. He is just being stupid and insensative and selfish and childish and he needs to get over it NOW

  2. He's being disrespectful of your needs and underminding your feelings

  3. Tell him to get over himself. It cant be his way all the time. Either we follow the household rules and not interuprt each other when we are on the phone, or we talk whenever. You dont get to do whatever you want whenever its convieniant to you, but jump all over someone for doing the same.

  4. Just being foolish, that's all foolish.

  5. He acts like a chauvinistic pig that wasn't brought up with a sense of fair play.  When he interrupts you, excuse yourself from the phone, look at him tell him you'll be with him as soon as your finished, then return to your call.  Plug up your free ear  with a finger.  after a time or two maybe he'll learn.  

  6. OK let me get this straight, u said that he doesn't like it when he's on the phone and u interrupt him to talk, but when u are on the phone he does it to you?OK that sounds like a classic case of "What i can do to you, u cannot do to me", which to me sounds like he's controlling, and manipulative, its ok for him to do whatever, but its not cool for u to do it back, well hun i would continue to do it to him, whether he likes it or not, until he learns that he cannot ask u to not do something, then turn right around and do the exact same thing.GL>

  7. It looks like he thinks only about himself and does only what will benefit him.

  8. He doesnt have your undivided attention!  Talk to him about it.

  9. guess he is obsessed with manners....learn them or more on; it's all very easy

  10. he feels he's the only one that deserves respect. next time he interrupts you, tell him that you would appreciate a little respect while you're on the phone.

  11. Oh, you didn't get them memo.......your husbands business is of more importance than yours.

    I would keep a cue card handy when you are on the phone, and when your husband bothers you, you can hold up the cue card......


    Maybe that will get his attention.

  12. Ask him !!  Isn't that what marrage is all about?  Communication?

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