
What is the difference between working with trail horses and race horses?

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I used to work as a ranch hand with trail riding horses. I'm about to starat working at a place that has racehorses. What do I need to know before I start?




  1. Fonz is a little harsh. You need to approach them slowly though. Try to connect visually and mentally before physically.

  2. Well race horses are alot more strung out then calm trail horses. cause their in training and taking a bunch of meds, and all race horses aren't crazy most people think they are i work with them and brake and train them with my mother and their fine just watch for the ones that bite and hey they jump around alot more then a ranch/trail horse!

    Good luck!

  3. Yes there is a difference.  Race horses are higher strung because of the all the feed supplements that are added to their feed that a trail horse wouldn't get.  That and being in a stall most of the day rather than being turned out to pasture when they are done working makes them hyper too.  Just be careful around them because not all but some will bite, kick, rear up, or try to flip over backwards.

  4. Race horses are a little bit crazy. Don't trust them. They will kick you without warning.

  5. Like everyone says racehorses are highly strung and built for speed pure speed so have very quick reactions are the most perfectly built of there species, they are also trained to be top athletes so as was said before are generally kept in a box for most of there time in racing are feed large quantities of top feed and muscled for top performance in terms its like trying to mind and look after a top athlete only 15 times the size and no communication skills, the beauty is that the are largely a habitual like trail animals so they get into the swing of things and are generally well behaved when broken properly so no worries there, they can fright easily so need to be approached slowly like all animals until they get to trust you, but if you give them too much slack they can take advantage of you so be firm and considerate when approaching them, there are some crazys but the stable will look after you and your new so they will expect lots of hard work and in turn will look after you and go easy on you until you get the hang of it, unfortunatly in all yards there are people who have no intrest in the animals and are pissed off or had a bad experience with horses so they can give out and sour and go over the top with the animals so just be careful like always good luck enjoy

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