
What is the difference between you and me?

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What is the difference between you and me?




  1. u a boy n im a girl..

  2. u are sapien and i am human

  3. take our pictures and spot the differences..

  4. you, 3 words,

    me, two words

  5. i'm a girl...and you're a guy!!!

  6. I can't tell, we hardly know each other.

  7. I'm a loser you're not.

  8. aNgRy pUwEt is a SUB-sapien while you are SUPER Sapien.

  9. We have so many things in common I guess. You have so many issues in your life and so do I. I am argumentative and so do you. You are quite boorish sometimes and so do I.

    The difference is you are a male version whereas I am a female one.


    Comel betul jawapan Purple Cat... Tak tau kenapa, tapi kiyut... :)

  10. See you've been in the sun and I've been in the rain

    And you're so far away from me

  11. You are a Sapien while I'm just a cat. I am purple and you are not.

  12. Eh?..Deja Vu.. I think I've come across this question before..hmm.. ahah!...garishalus@Garumi Phantom have post this question before lah..haha..anyway...who cares, right? avatar is me, your's aren't.

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