
What is the difference from a regular magnet and an electromagnet?

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What is the difference from a regular magnet and an electromagnet?




  1. a regular magnet has always it's magnetic property.

    But when there is no electricity the electromagnet

    looses it's magnetism.It's magnetism is temporary.

  2. The spin of electron within a regular magnet are all in the same direction producing a uniform magnetic field. In an electromagnet a current (electrons) is pumped through a coil of wire. The moving charge produces a magnetic field just like the spin of the same charges in a regular magnet.

  3. A regular magnet is any ferromagnetic material that produces a magnetic field.

    An electromagnet is a solenoid with a ferromagnetic core.

    An electromagnet can be turned on and off because of the current carrying solenoid.  

  4. a permanent magnet is where all the magnetic "domains" in the material are lined up somewhat permanently. (this can be changed) with an electro magnet the current passing through a coil of wire "induces" an electromagnetic field around the coil. hence the magnetic affect...

  5. an electromagnet uses an electric current to produce a magnetic field.

    in a permanent magnet, the magnetism is inherent to the material (usually iron based) itself.

    the advantage of an electromagnetic is the ability to vary the current, thus changing the strength of the magnetic field.  speakers are a good everyday example of electromagnetism at work.  the current output of an amplifier drives an electromagnet at the base of a speaker which alternately attracts and repels a fixed permanent magnet moving the speaker cone making all that lovely music you listen to.

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