
What is the difference from the wellbutrin sr- wellbtrin xl(both 150mg.)?

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What is the difference from the wellbutrin sr- wellbtrin xl(both 150mg.)?




  1. XL you take once a day.  SR you would most likely take twice (morning and 8 hours later).  I say most likely twice since I only take 150mg SR in the morning, but i have bipolar so react very easily to it.

    Both are avalible in generics though i have heard that the generic XL should be avoided, since even though the drug is no longer under patent and can be copied, the release system is still under patent so the generic XL does not release the drug the same and many people have problems with it.

  2. XL lasts 24 hours, SR lasts 8 hours.  So with SR you would get 450 mg per day minimum.  I'm not sure, but i think SR is no longer available.


    The question is, why the h**l are you inflicting this  poison on your brain and liver? Has anyone ever shown you a test or some evidence which proves that one, you have a chemical imbalance, and two, that they understand it and have the technology to correct it? No. Some clown has told he what he 'thinks' is wrong with you without ever generating any legitimate scientific evidence you have a defective brain. How gullible would have to be to actually change and alter the way you see and experience the world based on such lack of evidence?

    Read the link you sorry man

    How can people do what you do?? You might as well let them take a pee in your brain, how disgusting and disrespectful to your  brain do you want to be? You brain hates what you are doing to it. Read the link, read the evidence, demand the evidence, and wake up to the lies.

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