
What is the difference in 128MB and 4 GB???

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I'm getting my daughter an MP4 for her 12th birthday. I found one fairly cheap with 128 MB, and a more expensive one with 4 GB. How much difference is there in the two as far as the number of songs they'll hold???




  1. 4GB is equal to 4,096 MB. When comparing 128 MB to 4 GB, 4 GB would be a lot more.

  2. 1024 mb is 1 GB, so  4096 mb is 4gb. so i reccomend getting the 4gb because 128mb is very low. 1 song equals to about 4 or 5mb. so you would only fit about 28 songs on it. and if i know anything your daughter might want more songs than that. so even if it is a little cheaper, i say dont buy the 128mb because it is pretty much useless. well i hope i helped and tell your daughter happy birthday.[and by the way im a 12 year old dude so you might wanna go with my idea....]

  3. a 128 mb only has much as it says,128 mb wich isnt even a GB. that will hold mabey 500 songs and the 4Gb can hold 2000 songs.

  4. 1 GB = 1024 MB

    That is how much difference there is between the too. The 4 GB will hold a LOT of songs. The 128MB, won't hold many at all. Get one with AT LEAST 2 GB, but 4 GB would do her REALLY well for a long time.

    If you go with the cheaper 128MB, it'll have to be replaced for one with the higher memory at Christmas probably.

    I hope this helps. Good luck.

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