
What is the difference in a 1 Farad Digital Capacitor and a 2 Farad Digital Capacitor??

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the lower the number the better right?? and im talking about the amp caps ,, thank you :D




  1. A 1-farad capacitor would typically be pretty big. It might be as big as a can of tuna or a 1-liter soda bottle, depending on the voltage it can handle. For this reason, capacitors are typically measured in microfarads (millionths of a farad).

  2. The bigger the number the more capasity to hold electricity.

    So a bigger number will hold more electricity than a smaller number.

  3. You'll have to excuse my ignorance of the modern car stereo market.  I am an electrical engineer and I can tell you this:  "Digital" cap sounds like a marketing thing.  There's really no such thing as a digital cap.  They're all two conductors separated by some dielectric(a variety of insulators that have different properties that can make a cap more suitable for certain applications).  The 'Digital' may refer to some special property the cap is designed to have that makes it car sound systems sound better.

    The term 'Farad' is a unit of capacitance.  The higher this rating the more energy a capacitor can store at a given voltage.  So a 2 Farad capacitor can store twice as much energy as a 1 Farad capacitor.   All things being equal, two Farads is better than one.  But all things aren't equal when it comes to  manufacturing capacitors.  The ESL(equivalent series inductance) and the ESR(equivalent series resistance) are important for a capacitors ability to deliver large amounts of energy fast, something that's important in a stereo system.  The lower the better.  And a 1 Farad capacitor may have a lower ESL and ESR rating than a 2 Farad cap.  Sometimes two 1-Farad capacitors hooked up in parallel may give better performance as the ESR and ESL will be cut in half under these conditions.

    Hope this was helpful and not confusing.

    Oh, I just did some web surfing.  It looks like the "Digital" caps have a digital readout to show you the voltage at the cap.  This is what digital means.  Sound performance wise there'll be no difference between digital and non-digital.  Actually, I think the only thing the digital caps will give you is the coolness factor of having some fancy flashing lights to look at while your system is running.  Any drops in voltage(things that will affect your amp performance) will happen too quickly for you to see with your eye.  Not to underrate the coolness factor though.  I like things that look cool myself.  It's up to you wether you think it's worth the extra money.

    Just Google "24V car audio caps" and you will find some links to sites that sell these.

  4. dude if you are running 0 gauge wire you dont need a cap you need a batteryor 2 or 3 or you went wire crazy on a 700rms system

  5. the higher the number the more power

    but its pointless they don't work well in a 12v environment and area wast of money for car audio purposes.

    always upgrade your electrical in the order:

    1. the big 3

    2. a new battery (optima or kenetik)

    3. HO alternator

    4. more batteries.

    usually 1 and 2 will do it for you unless your a serious competitor.

  6. it doesn't matter, you don't need them. waste of money. ask anyone seriously into car audio and they don't have one, same with the loudest vehicles in the world, they don't have them either. if you have a bad charging system upgrade it, don't get a power cap. get a HO alternator, a second battery, or a BATCAP. BATCAP's combine the best qualities of batteries and capacitors.

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