
What is the difference in a three wood and a five wood golf club?

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What is the difference in a three wood and a five wood golf club?




  1. Are you serious?

  2. If you need to know the answer to this question then it doesn't matter what the difference is, you are going to hit both badly.

  3. The loft would be the difference,  more loft in the 5 wood. so you would hit  further with the 3 wood.

    But the 5 wood will be a little more forgiving and easier to hit.

  4. 5wood is a golof club to hit your hit with and a h five iron is to hit a golf ball r u stupid

  5. pitch ,size and weight

  6. about 30 yards

  7. The 3 wood usually has a loft of about 15* and the 5 wood is about 17* to 19*.  Most people carry a 3 wood, and some carry both.  I only carry a 3 wood.

  8. The three wood and five wood are two completely different clubs. This is virtually the same as asking the difference between a three and five iron. The difference between these two clubs are weight, length and face angle. The three wood, designed for lower trajectory and longer ball distance, has a longer shaft, is heavier and has a more closed face to increase torque and momentum during the golf swing. Not only do shots with this club travel far airbone, they also have quite a bit of roll. A five wood, however, is lighter, has a more open face angle, and is a shorter club. This is designed to hit shorter shots, often used by players who have difficulties hitting the three or four irons. For the average player, the three wood is a much more standard club, and it is rare to see someone using a five wood.

  9. a 3 wood will give you more distance and less height and a 5 wood will give you more height and less distance goodluck with your golf

  10. a five wood will have anywhere from 2-6 degrees more loft then a three wood. a five will have a smaller head with a shorter shaft. will go shorter due to club length and degree change. ball will have more backspin. club will have more wieght in the sole.

  11. the difference between 3  &  5  is  2

      even a 5 year old child could work that one out

                                  tutt   tutt   tutt

                                          or should I say

                                                putt   putt  putt

  12. Hi, a 3 wood has a longer shaft with around 13-16 degrees of loft, you will hit this further than a 5 wood but with less consistency.

    A 5 wood has between 17-20 degrees of loft and has a shorter shaft. You will hit this slightly straighter than a 3 wood, but with less less distance. Hope this helps

  13. a 5 wood gives you a higher ball flight than a 3 wood and is also pretty hand when getting you out of the first couple of cuts of rough and getting you back into play! i would never use a 3 wood anywhere else apart from the fairway or off the tee! happy hackin!

  14. More loft on a 5 wood and thus you would be hitting higher shots. A 5 wood should be easier to hit off the fairway.

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