
What is the difference in cat food and dog food?

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I have a dog and there is a stray cat around my house. I have been giving the cat some dog food and she eats it right up. Is there really a difference in the foods? Could I possibly be hurting the cat in the long wrong? Should I just call animal control on the cat to see if she could maybe get a good home?




  1. Here's a great site I found that discusses just that:

    It basically points out that cats are true carnivores, and dogs are omnivores. In dog food, there's more grain and plant products in it that cats actually can't digest very well, so cats don't really get all the nutrition that they need from dog food.

    Just because a cat eats it doesn't mean it's good for them. Just means he thinks it's edible. Look at what us humans eat that don't contribute to our health at all. Cats don't know any better what to eat and what not to eat. My cat eats plastic right up if I don't pay attention. Cats on the street die from l*****g up spilled antifreeze because it's sweet to them.

    In any case, I think it would be wonderful if you could find that cat a loving home. However, call a shelter instead of animal control.

  2. Arachidonic acid, a necessary fatty acid,

    can be synthesized by a dog using linoleic acid.

    The cat is unable to do this and needs

    to ingest arachidonic acid in their diet.

    This, too, can only be found in animal tissues.

    Read more about

    the difference in cat food and dog food

    from this link

  3. Please do not call animal control.  The cat would end up getting put to sleep.  The cat is eating the dog food because he's hungry and probably doesn't eat much.  I don't think dog food is the best thing for the cat.  It's great that your feeding him.  I would pick up some cat food for him.  He is just happy to be eating.  Is there any way you could keep him?  If not I would just keep the food out for him.  Cats are ok outside as long as they have food and shelter.  They really make great pets.

  4. If you're going to give the cat anything- give either beef or chicken or even tuna! any protein is good for a cat. I'd never give any of my 4 cats dog food. Also, if the cat is a kitten- try milk. The only thing is- make sure that it's 1 percent. Cats are naturally lactose- intolerant. That's why they have diarrhea when milk is consumed. People make the mistake of giving a kitten 2 percent. Try 1 percent; never a problem.

  5. Main thing is protein content.. cats take a lot more protein.  A little dog food won't hurt a cat, but in the long run it will cause urinary problems as cat food contains ash and so on to help prevent urinary crystals forming.  But short term to feed a hungry cat... no problems

  6. Why can't you buy cat food.

    They have different nutritional needs to dogs.

    Just they have different nutritional needs to humans.

    Giving a dog chocolate for insance, can make them extremily ill, very very ill.

    Snow Man

  7. Its fine as long as the dog doesnt eat catfood my cat eats dog food all the time when it gets dropped when i feed my puppy

  8. It's ok because it's still food. The difference is that cat food has things that cat eat and dog food has things that dogs like. So don't worry about a thing! It's ok that you give them the wrong food, but make sure it doesn't have anything bad in them that my hurt them! Good luck!

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