
What is the difference in duties of embassy and council?

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although their meaning,i think,is the same,but there are some differencies in their work,in their duty.i wanna know it.please,help me.




  1. In addition to the previous answer. Consulates are often used more then Embassies. Consulates usually can be found in several cities throughout a particular nation. If the citizen is in danger or needs passport/visa assistance, they usually locate the closest Consulate.

  2. I think you mean the difference between an Embassy and a Consulate.  If this is what you mean, then I can say that an Embassy is the facility that the Ambassador and his staff work in and is generally located in the foreign country's seat of government.  A consulate is located in other cities of the country and it's leader is called the Consul General.  He reports to the Ambassador from the Embassy.

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