
What is the difference in littering, between fast food wrappers and cigarette butts?

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If you are caught throwing fast food wrappers out the window, its a littering fine, and if you throw your cigarette butt out the window, they won't do anything about it.




  1. Littering is littering no matter what you're throwing out.

  2. Oh yes they will a friend of mine got a 500.00 fine for throwing out a ciggarette butt it happens, it just is not seen as often!!

  3. fast food wrappers can be recycled or break down..cig butts are not biodegradable they will be there forever! either way littering is bad..we need to keep our planet beautiful..even though it seems as if the human race is on a mission to completely destroy it.

  4. Nothing but cigarette butts are just considered more except able.

  5. I guess if you lived where i live in the UK,throwing ciggy stumps on the floor fullstop,results(if caught) in a fine.

    Roll on the smoking while driving ban,there' as bad as mobiles for causing accidents.

  6. In some states, throwing cigarette butts out the window is  specifically named as being finable!~

  7. They are both litter!!!

    Shame, shame on anyone trying to support any kind of littering.

    As for the cigarette butt being less destructive to the environment check out this site:

  8. Throwing cigarette butts out the car window in Australia used to be illegal.  (Not sure if it still is). It has caused bushfires and is messing up the environment.

  9. I guess it depends on where you live in Ontario Canada you can be charged with tossing out a lit cigarette butt as a fire threat and for littering.also if your lit cig butt starts a forest fire you can be held responsible for the cost of the fire fighting efforts and the damage caused by the fire

  10. Because cigarettes are much smaller, made of thinner paper, and theoretically biodegrate faster than fast food wrappers which are much larger and coated in wax.

    I don't agree with it either.

    Can you check this out please?

  11. I see no difference..   but from the looks of the sides of our roads I dont think much enforcement is being done for either type of littering

  12. I'm not trying to support the cigarette smokers who litter, but i think cigarettes are biodegradable, or more biodegradable than fast food wrappers.

    In practice, the difference is probably that people can easily see you throwing a fast food wrapper on the ground - while it is harder to see that someone just dropped a cigarette butt.  But i swear i am not trying to defend it - just trying to answer the question.

  13. FINALLY!!! someone who hates it as much as me. I had one guy throw a ciggarette but while driving in front of me and nearly hit my car. Sparks were flying everywhere.  I take down their licence plate number, so that way I can report them. I think there is a website you can do that but I need to find it.

  14. what about the people that stop and dump out their entire ashtray on the ground then drive away! When I was in Europe a few years ago, a guy got put in jail for spitting and throwing your chewing gum down also got you a fine.  It's all about taking pride in our landscape and ourselves; when you throw any trash out onto the ground and think that nature is going to suck it up, you just explained to the entire world the sort of person that you are.

  15. Littering is littering, no matter what is thrown. It just seems that police don't want to bother enforcing the cigarette part.

  16. I don't agree either.. but I think it has to do with:

    cigarettes are smaller and since "everyone does it" it would be way too hard to stop.

    fast food wrappers are bigger, and if everyone did it, the world would be horrendous!

    imagine every cigarette you've seen on the ground being a huge wrapper.. that would be a ginormous amount of litter.

    my apartment complex doesn't allow any litter, and you'll get fined $100 per cigarette they find you throw down. (If it's on your balcony too)..

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