
What is the difference in vegan and vegetarian?

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What is the difference in vegan and vegetarian?




  1. IN a short nutshell, vegans avoid all animal products and byproducts of any kind.  No meat, cheese, eggs, leather, any of it.  Vegetarians don't eat meat.

  2. vegetarians dont eat things that had/have a face

    vegans dont eat things that had/have a face or come from something that had/has a face.

  3. a vegan eats no animal meat or dairy like milk cheese and eggs but a vegetarian eats no meat but still eggs and milk there are these are called lacto-ovo vegetarians , i think any....

  4. Vegetarians will eat dairy products and possibly eggs (lacto-ovo vegetarians). Vegans do not eat ANY type of animal protein.

  5. Vegans don't eat anything that has lived or came from an animal. But Vegetarians just don't eat meat. Hope that helped!

  6. Vegans endeavor not to use or consume animal products of any kind.

    Vegetarianism is the practice of a diet that excludes all animal, including poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, and slaughter by-products.

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